There are numerous workouts available for disabled persons and multiple ways to modify them to your specific needs. I’ve included who each exercise is appropriate for, the method, and any changes for each activity below.
You should do three sets of each exercise you choose. Repeat each exercise ten times without pausing, then take a 30-second to 1-minute break. Rep 10 times more, then rest and repeat for the third time. You should wait 48 hours between workouts to allow your muscles and joints to recover fully in most circumstances. It takes time for stressed tissues to recuperate!
1. Take a seat to stand
This is one of my favorite workouts. If you have a weakened lower body and need to improve lower body strength and stability, this is a great exercise.
Conditions where you have some control over your lower body, are appropriate.
Place your bottom on the front edge of a seat, behind your knees, with your feet flat on the floor.
Tilt your upper body forward slightly and lift yourself into a completely standing position with your legs.
Slowly return to the seated posture you were in when you began.
If you can’t do it without using your arms, place your hands on your knees to help you push yourself up. If your legs are really weak, you can utilize support, such as a grab rail or a worktop. Pull yourself up out of your chair, putting as much energy through your legs as possible.
2. Tricep dips in a seated position
The triceps, chest, and front of your shoulders will all benefit from this exercise. Strengthening those body components will be especially beneficial if you transfer from a wheelchair.
Suitable for: Situations in which you have good upper-body strength.
Place your hands on the armrests of your wheelchair or another chair while sitting. Ensure that they are positioned directly beneath your shoulders. Push yourself until your arms are completely extended, then slowly lower yourself back to a seated position.
Modifications: If you don’t have enough arm strength but have enough leg strength, you can utilize your legs to help you out a little. However, attempt to delegate as much work as possible to your arms.
3. Knee lifts from a seated position
This is a terrific approach to developing your hip flexors, which are the muscles that help your hip move, making transferring, walking, and bending easier.
Conditions where you have some control over your lower body, are appropriate.
Raise one leg until your foot is several inches off the ground while seated. Lower the weight gradually and repeat the process. Repeat on the second leg once you’ve completed a set on one leg.
Modifications: If you’re having trouble getting your foot completely off the floor, flexing your ankle with your calf muscle will help. However, don’t expect the calf to perform all of the jobs.
4. Take a walk while sitting.
This workout is perfect for individuals who need to practice walking. The advantages are twofold. The sit-to-stand exercise strengthens the legs first, and then the short walk helps to enhance. Walking, to be exact!
Conditions where you have some control over your lower body, are appropriate.
Begin by placing two chairs a few meters apart but facing each other.
Perform the sit-to-stand workout in one of them, then walk to the other chair once you’re up.
Turn around, take a seat in the second chair, then rise and return to the first.
Modifications: It can be done with crutches, a partner, or with assistance until modest improvements are made, at which point the aid can be reduced a little at a time. You may also adjust the spacing between the chairs to suit your needs.
5. Crunches in the opposite direction
Try this workout when you want to improve your abdominal muscles but aren’t strong enough to do a regular crunch or sit-up.
If you have any control over your abdominal muscles, this is your exercise.
Start on the floor seated with your knees bent at 90 degrees. Lower your upper body gradually rearward until you lie flat on the floor, facing upwards. Return to your seated position in any way you can and resume the lowering procedure. As you lower yourself, try to roll your spine so that each vertebra contacts the mat one by one.
Modifications: To help guide you slowly, hold your knees or thighs with your hands.
6. Back exercises – seated back extensions and dorsal raises
Abdominal exercises must be counterbalanced with a lower back muscle-building activity.
Dorsal rising is appropriate for: Those who are comfortable getting on and off the floor.
Method for the dorsal raise:
Begin the exercise by reclining face down.
Spread your elbows wide and bring your fingertips to your temples.
Raise your head, shoulders, and thighs off the floor simultaneously.
Slowly lower yourself without entirely relaxing by keeping your arms from contacting the floor.
7. Flying backward with a resistance band
Maintaining good posture and assisting with pulling activities can benefit from strengthening your upper back muscles.
Suitable for: Situations where you have some grip strength and upper body control.
Take a resistance band in both hands in a seated position, leaving some slack between the two hands.
Straighten your arms and hold them out in front of you.
Spread your arms backward as though you were expanding your wings (thus the term ‘flys’).
Return to the beginning position by slowly moving your arms forward.
Modifications: The difficulty of the exercise can be increased or decreased by adjusting the amount of slack between the hands. You can also change the band’s resistance by utilizing different tension bands.
8. Shoulder press when seated
When you need to lift something above your head, increasing shoulder strength can help.
Suitable for: Situations where you have some grip strength and upper body control.
Using weights, hold one in each hand and sit up straight.
If you had a bar, place the consequences on either side of your head, palms facing front.
Push the weights above your head until they meet in the middle, maintaining the palms facing forward.
Reverse the process by slowly lowering them back to the beginning position.
If the workout is too challenging, try using lighter weights or no weights. You might also use a resistance band by sitting on it and holding the ends in your hands, and this might be as loose as you want it.
9. Leg press using a resistance band
This exercise is a simple approach to developing your thigh and glute muscles (butt muscles), especially if they sit to stand’ exercise is too difficult for you.
Conditions where you have some control over your lower body, are appropriate.
Hold either end of a resistance band in each hand in a seated position, with the middle of the band wrapped under one foot. Ensure there’s enough tension in the bar to bring the leg into a bent position with the knee facing the chin. Maintain pressure and extend the band by straightening the foot and pushing it toward the floor. Allow the bar to pull the leg back into a bent position gradually.
Change the amount of slack in the band or the tension to change the difficulty level. If you don’t feel comfortable sitting, you can do this exercise in a sleeping posture.
10. Kneel to stand.
This will help balance, flexibility, and mobility by strengthening your lower body.
Suitable for: Situations in which you have adequate lower-body control.
Method: Begin by kneeling on the floor, standing rather than seated. Bring one leg forward until it can be placed flat on the ground. Push yourself to a standing position, then step down with the same leg, kneeling first. Then, pull the other leg back onto the knee in the same order. Repeat the exercise with the other leg once you’ve completed a set leading with one leg.
Modifications: If you have trouble keeping your balance, support yourself with one arm on a table, door handle, or wall.